DID YOU KNOW . . . There are many options for transferring from California Community Colleges to the UC or CSU systems, private colleges, out of state colleges and HBCUs--and that some are guaranteed.

DID YOU KNOW . . . Some of the California Community Colleges have dorms.

DID YOU KNOW . . . Even private Universities may have transfer guarantee programs.

DID YOU KNOW . . . Some colleges and universities accept transfers after just one year. 

DID YOU KNOW . . . A few of the California Community Colleges offer Bachelor's degrees.

College Mentors can help you map out your Community College coursework to ensure that you have the best transfer opportunities.  

We'll help you determine your best strategies for transfer—which colleges, whether through a TAG  or not; then we'll work with you on the transfer application itself.

If you're at a 4 year college and want to transfer to another, we can help you too!